The General Parish Assembly is the highest Administrative body, consisting of all official members of the parish, and meets at least once at the annual meeting, and other times as needed. Functionaries of the General Parish Assembly include the Parish Priest as the Chair by virtue of his being Nastoyatel (Rector) of the Parish, the Parish Council, the Pastoral team, and the Ministry Leaders, with the Assembly consisting of all parishioners.
The Ministry Leadership Council includes the Parish Council and the Ministry Leaders.
The Parish Board of Administration, or Parish Council, is the regular administrative body for day to day operations, and has all regular administrative operations within its purview. Per Canon Law, the UOC Constitution, and the Parish Bylaws, the Parish Priest has an ex officio role on the parish council (as chair of the general assembly, he is honorary chair of the council). P.M. Carrie is administrative liason with no voting rights in the Council but has an administrative voice. Per parish bylaws, a former Parish Council President is ex officio Staretz (PC President Emeritus) and has an eldership role and administrative voice but with no right to vote. The Parish Priest does not vote ordinarily but has the right to break a tie and also has the right to veto if decisions are made contrary to the canons. If his veto is disputed on sufficient canonical grounds then such a dispute is registered with the diocsesan hiearch.
The Parish Priest (Senior Pastor/Rector) of Holy Protection is Fr. Harry Linsinbigler, and the Presbytera is Pani Matka Carrie Linsinbigler
The Assistant Pastor is Fr. Dn. Brian Matthew Delp, and his Diakonyssa is Pani Matka Rebecca Delp
Our Associate Priest (retired) is Fr. Frederick Watson, and his Presbytera is Pani Matka Susan Watson.
Our Altar Supervisor is Subdeacon Peter
Parish Council President Ellen Flynn
Vice President Paula Karagounis
Secretary Rebecca Delp
Treasurer Ryan Becker
Financial Secretary Natalie Brennan
Ministerial Leadership
Building and Maintenance Ministry: Michael Brennan
Connections Ministry: Richard Cofer and Jake Beyea
Communications Ministry: Calaam.B, Derek A and Fr. Brian
Custodial Ministry: Tina Valasquez
External Liturgical Order: Pani Carrie and Ellen Flynn
Grounds: Sbdn.Peter Flynn
Music: Rebekah Barton, Katy Decker, Elisabeth Linsinbigler, Howard Winters, Linda Winters
Offering Bread: Barbara Johnson and Nancy Collins
Offering Wine: Demitri and Paula Karagounis
Liturgical Ministry
The Liturgical Ministry, the most important ministry, as we pray for the life of the world and its salvation, consists of all of the following: All of the faithful. Every one of the faithful is part of the Liturgical Ministry of the Church, as everything is the prayer of the faithful. The Parish Priest, by virtue of his hierarchical appointment to the parish and maintenance of good standing, determines the order of services for all offices (i.e. liturgical services) served in the parish, in accord with Orthodox standards. Subdeacon John renders all of his office. The Liturgical supervisor of all internal liturgical ministries is Brian Delp, supervising the operation of the Altar operations at the direction of the Priest. The Liturgical supervisor of external liturgical ministries is Michael Gursky, supervising the order of service in the external operation of Liturgical ministries in the nave and narthex. The Liturgical supervisor of worship is PM Carrie Linsinbigler, who supervises the order of services with regard to the responses of the choir/people. Liturgical Preparation Ministry (setup, ordering items, candles, etc.): Priest, Subdeacon John Juhasz, Brian and Rebecca Delp, Michael and Beverly Gursky Liturgical Communication Ministry (Bulletin, social media, website, etc.): Pani & Fr., Brian Delp |
Operative Ministries
*Note, if you are interested in being a part of any of the following, please let the Priest or one of the Parish Council know. Pastoral Ministry: While the Priest leads the pastoral ministry, nevertheless, the entire parish by virtue of their Baptism, Chrismation, and perpetual Communion has a pastoral role, caring for one another and for others around us, all of us leading each other back to the Chief Shepherd (Pastor) of our souls, the Lord Jesus Christ. External/Outreach Ministries: External Prayer Ministry Cyntia Brown, leader. Participating members: the whole parish Consolation Ministry: Svetlana Kouzmova Internal Ministries: Church Grounds and Maintenance Ministry: Michael and Natalie Brennan, Sbdn. Peter Flynn, Harry Linsinbigler IV, Fr. Harry, others when group efforts are made. Church Beautification--Barbara and Bod Johnson, the Brennans, Pani Carrie. Participating members: as many as possible Family Ministry-- Participating members: those who get their families/youth involved. Office Order Ministry--Svetlana Kouzmova and Nancy Collins
Administrative Ministries
The General Parish Assembly is the highest Administrative body, consisting of all official members of the parish, and meets at least once at the annual meeting, and other times as needed. Functionaries of the General Parish Assembly include the Parish Priest as the Chair by virtue of his being Nastoyatel (Rector) of the Parish, the Parish Council, the Pastoral team, and the Ministry Leaders, with the Assembly consisting of all parishioners. The Ministry Leadership Council includes the Parish Council and the Ministry Leaders. The Parish Board of Administration, or Parish Council, is the regular administrative body for day to day operations, and has all regular administrative operations within its purview. Per Canon Law, the UOC Constitution, and the Parish Bylaws, the Priest has an ex officio role on the parish council (as chair of the general assembly, he is honorary chair of the council). P.M. Carrie is administrative liason. Per parish bylaws, a former Parish Council President is ex officio Staretz (PC President Emeritus). Elected Officers: President: Brian Delp Vice President: Paula Karagounis Secretary: Rebecca Delp Treasurer: Tom Moore Financial Secretary: Natalie Brennan Council-Parish Coordinator: Ellen Flynn